Thursday, March 27, 2008

Read between the lines

Here's the template for a cover letter, as near as I can figure.

Dear So-and-So,

Hey! You seem really amazing. I'd love to get to know you better. So far, you seem like the embodiment of everything I've ever desired. Did I mention I think you are not only amazing, but also amazingly awesome?

Guess what? I'm awesome, too. I bet we'll have amazing chemistry. Yes, I have a bit of history--who doesn't? The point is, I've grown from those experiences and am now much wiser and more mature for it, and really, it's a bonus because now I feel more than ever I am worthy of being with someone of your stature.

I want to have your bab-- I'd love to get to know you better. Let's be in touch, shall we? Here are my digits, and you can reach me any time--and I do mean any time--at overeducatedtwit [at]

Love and kisses,

Overeducated Twit

[illegible scrawl]

Now playing: Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction
via FoxyTunes

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