Every reader needs bookmarks.
Never mind that in spite of numerous snarky or flowery or coffee-related bookmarks around the place, I still tend to grab a corner of a magazine page or a piece of napkin to mark the place in whichever of any given five books I happen to be reading. Nooooo, if you're the hoarding type like me, it's not enough to have said plethora of bookmarks. If you're the hoarding type and the crafty type and the type who's just this short of casting aside current crochet projects in a fit of boredom, your next logical step is to look up patterns to make more bookmarks.
And, if you're the crafty, hoarding, attention-challenged, always-in-search-of-a-new-diversion type, you will not be content to print off just one pattern. Or two patterns. Or even patterns for completely different projects that you will keep in mind for when there happens to be a really good yarn sale. However, your mission for the afternoon is bookmarks, and you eventually find, out of the scores of patterns on teh interwebs, a few that pique your interest and look both elegant and not overly time-consuming.
I only made one today. Second is in the works. But isn't this one purty?
(No, this won't turn into a craft blog, I promise. It's just a phase.)
Oh, that's lovely!
I come from a family that is big into making bookmarks and giving them as Christmas gifts. Even little kids can make nice bookmarks from felt. And we have the theory that you can never have enough bookmarks ....
I could make the obvious bad joke about hookers but.....
If you get tired of crochet, this site has some worth looking at.
Thanks so much!
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