One thing I enjoyed over winter break was diving in to crafting, especially crocheting. I've made a vow to myself to try to keep that a regular part of my life even when the semester is in swing. One week in, and I'm managing to do so. (Hey, I'm trying to be optimistic here!)
Here are a couple recently completed projects. Both bookmarks came from
Quick-Stitch Crochet, a book I got from the library and may end up racking up late fines on until I photocopy all the patterns I want!
I've been longing for spring these days, so I enjoyed making this butterfly.

And then I stared at the page of bookmark designs, skimmed over the heart one, then remembered some pink
thread that I found at an "antique" mall/bazaar, remembered that the pink and red and hearts holiday is coming up, and figured I might whip up a few of these and try selling them, see what comes of it.

The way I see it, it's not crass commercialism. I just ought to support my two costly habits: teaching and crocheting. It'll help fund the latter, at any rate.
Now playing:
Tim Barry - Exit Woundsvia FoxyTunes
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