I knew I had a lot of yarn; shoot, I haven't seen the closet floor in months. The system of organization I had was "meh" at best--lots and lots of craft store bags with different types of yarn. So I bought a bin. A big bin. A 95 quart bin.

Ayup. That's about most of it.
(Minus about 10 skeins, a bunch of odd balls, and 5-7 started projects.)
Oh, I always like a good bin. And is there anything more satisfying than looking at like items grouped together?
What project will all the skeins on the bottom layer be used for?
It is indeed satisfying :).
Those skeins? Well, um, some of them are going to be made into a throw, some are going into a pair of pretty wrist warmers, and, uh, the rest... well, you see, it was on clearance and really cheap and really pretty, and I may have bought something like 28 skeins because of that...
My mom bought sixty-five skeins of various colors last week. It cost her about $80, which is pretty cheap considering how much was bought. She always makes hats and slippers for Christmas presents for our extended family. Anyway, we had to wait about ten minutes for the lady at the checkout to scan them all. Individually.
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